Thursday, 12 November 2015

simple creative brief hw

Unit 5 Working to a brief 


  • Ones that you have to sign much like a contract.
  • This is type of brief will normally be used if there is money involved and there could be a lack of trust with one another which is why they will also consider you to have to sign something to prove that you aren't going to stick to the agreement.
  • If you should break this contract then you could face legal damage as this type of brief is a very formal and serious and means that the user has to think very seriously about it.
  • The brief is set out very clearly and professionally and will be written formally.  


  • This type of contract is completely up to they employe and then they discuss it with the employer. Almost all briefs are negotiable in some way but this type is all up to employe and employer if he agrees to the terms.  
  • The client might not interlay know what they want which is why they will discuss and negotiate with the user so that they both have an idea and both agree on the brief.


  • This type of brief will outline a product or service for the client.
  • A formal contract is normally very formal with the type of language that they use and it is always very professional, which means that the brief wont have any slang terms or any kind of informal language used within .
  • It may have the clients logo in it in one of the top corners to show what company or organisation the brief is to do with, they will also do this to show there professionality. 

  • This type of brief doesn't have to be written and can just be done by talking which shows just how informal it is as there doesn't have to be any physical proof of the agreement to a brief.
  • This type of often done when there is only a small amount of money involved where is wont make that greater difference if the user doesn't accomplish and stick to the brief or complete it.
  • This will usually be done between a  group of friends because usually if you are making a brief with friends then it will be informal rather than formal.
  • If this brief isn't negotiated and agreed about by talking then it will either be a very short piece of text or this could be done by e-mail.


  • This will only be done if the company and client have met before and have mutual relationship before that have started to negotiate this brief.
  • Normally this will be done when the employer already knows who they want to employ or select for something this means that employer will know what they want to do and how they need to do it.

  • This type of brief will normally be open to all of the public so anyone can apply for it which means that you dont have to have a specific skill or need for it .
  • But because this is  a competition brief only the winner will get the reward at the end which means that most people wont win or gain anything from entering the competition.
  • All of these things means that it is cheaper for a company to gain new products and employers with a specific skill set as organization will be able to pick out the best ones that they want and then use them for there company.


  • This type of brief is simular to the competition brief as a company will pitch there ideas and plans which are to do with the brief and then the company will pick a winner, this makes it much easier and cheaper for organisations to pick a specific product or idea.
  • This also means that it is easier for the company to gain more clients for a specific job as all the people wishing to be a part of the company would of already had to pitch and sell there ideas to them.
Co-operative brief

  • This type of brief is where two or more companies will work together on the some project or assignment.
  • This could be done for different reasons though such as: to make it quicker and easier to do because there is a tight deadline which they wouldn't be able to complete in time just by them self , one company might not have all of the specific resources needed to complete the assignment or task that they have been given.
Reading to a brief

when you are reading a brief a working through a brief the things that you need to pay attention too is:
  • The final date- you will need to look at and find out when the final dead line for this is so that you don't miss it and then fail to meet the briefs demands because this could mean that you loose that specific job roll and it means that other clients might not employ you because of this.
  • Timescale- you will need to know and work out how long it will take you to compete this brief and task, time management is a big deal as it could be the difference to you passing and completing the brief to you failing it. A good way to control your time managements is to plan and papair a head of what you have to to and allocate specific times and dates to do specific things.
  • what is required- you must always make sure that you read the brief properly and know what you have to do, because otherwise you could be wasting you time doing the wrong thing and then when you show the client its wrong and you don't complete it properly. This could cause you to fail to complete the brief and loose the job because of this. It could also require to do something in a specific way in order to complete it.
Negotiating the brief

  • When you negotiate a brief with a client you have always got to look at the brief and read the brief so that you are abel to negotiate realistically with the client, for example if you want to move the deadline for it you can probably negotiate to move it by a few days or maybe a couple of weeks, but most likely not a few months extra. Another example is that if you have to film a snow scene during the middle of summer than you will have to negotiate the brief so that you can go to another country which has snow or gain a bigger budget so that you will be able to create your own snow scene in a studio.
  •  You must insure that you have read the brief properly and thurely through because when you are negotiating you need to know what you already have there otherwise there could be something written in the brief that you dont aprove of and dont want to be there, but because you havent read it properly you dont realise that its there. 
  • When you are negotiating the brief with a client you need to insure that you have thurely read the brief before and you need to listen to what the client wants you to do about specific things because you need to insure that everything that you negotiate is realistic and you are able to be able to complete the task which will have been set you.

The opportunities that you might be able to gain and experience through your brief could be:

  • New skills- While you are completing this brief you might also get to learn and gain some new skills. This might be because the task which you are following and completing is different to what you have done before and causes you to learn some different skills so that you are able to cpmplete it.

  • self development- With this you will be able to do and learn more about yourself and what you are capable of. Also because of this it means that you will become much more skillful and what you do and means that you will be able to complete a bigger variaty of different ype of tasks and briefs.

  • Multi skilling- you could learn how to combine two skills into one and multi task with your skills. This means that you will also be gaining more skills and more of a variaty of different skills because you will be able to combine more than just one skill set into a task which means that you can complete the task to a much higher standard then you could before when you didnt multi-skilling. 

  • gain contracts- During the course of you completeing your brief you might be able to meet new people in that industry and gain new contracts through that which could gain you more experience and more jobs and employment which all means that you will have a greater skill set and lots of clients and employers will trust you more because they know that you are able to complete what ever task it is and to a very high standard as well.

  • experience-  As you are completeing and following the brief you will be able to gain more experience and experience other things that some people might not have experienced yet because it is only specifc to that brief. Since you will be gaining more experience it also means that you will be gaining a greater skill set as well which means that you will be able to complete a greater range of briefs and means that you will be able to complete the brief to a higher standard.

  • Travail- During the course with your brief you might be able to travail a lot and visit new places which are specifci to that brief.You might also be able to gain this by negotiating with your client because it might be easier or better for you to be able to complete the brief to a higher standard if you go to a different location.  

  • Communication skills- While you are completeing and following the brief it means that you will meet new people or might have to go out there and find specific people that could help you complete your brief to the best possible standard. This all means that you will gain a greater communication skill set and means that your communication skills will have to be good in order for you to complete the brief and task properly and thurely.

  • portfolio/CV-  When you have completed a brief or task which you have been set then it means that you will be able to put it into your portfolio and your CV, with the more briefs and tasks that you complete it means that your CV and portfolio will be getting bigger and bigger which is a good thing. This is all good for you because when you want to apply for a job or apply to a brief then it means that clients and employers will be able to see all of your work which you have created and this also means that you will be more likely to get the job or brief if all of the work you have completed has been to a high standard.

  • Meet clients or important people in the industry-  While you are completing briefs and tasks it means that you will be meeting new people who are in the same industry as you and means that you will gain more contacts and improve your communication skills. But because you will be meeting more people in the same industry it means that you might meet people who are very high up and important and if you get in there good books then it could potentially mean that you could get more experience because of them or even a job and be set to complete or tasks and briefs that have been set by him.

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