Tittle: crime- croydon
Short summary: This documentary that i will be filming will be about the crime that happens in the area of croydon and what effect this has on people who also live around in this area. It will also be showing and telling the audience why this should stop happening.
Length: The length of this film will be around 5 minuets.
Film completion date: will be on the 08/01/2016
Specific filming dates with locations: All of the filming shall be completed by the 18/12/2015
Locations: The locations that I will be filming at is croydon high street where we will be conducting interviews and getting an insight of what Croydon high street is like. All the permissions to film at these locations has been accepted
production team, key people, places, objects: My production team will consist of myself and Sam Dench. There aren't any key people that are needed throughout this as the people we will be interviewing will be random members of the public. The key places which I will need to visit is Croydon high street, and potentially Coulsdon high street (if there is enough time available for it). The equipment that I will need to be able to create my Documentary is a camera and tripod which I will be borrowing from the college.
Key messages: The key message that I will be saying throughout my documentary is why we should minimise the amount of crime that is happening and how all of this crime affects the local residence there and how it affects croydon as a place. The stories that i will be telling will be about crime situations that have happened recently and what affect that has on people such as eye whiteness and people living close to there.
Use your film: Through my documentary I want to be able to raise awareness about the crime that is happening In the Croydon area and educate people on why we should minimise this from happening and stop it completely. Another thing that I will want to educate on is about what impact all of this have on people around the area which should also show why we need to minimise crime from happening.
Target audience: My chosen target audience for my documentary is 15+. Th reason why i have decided this is because then it means i can go into more detail with the crime and there maybe some explicit language during it as well.
Music: Currently at this moment in time there is no specific song that I will be using. I will be using a range of non-diegetic music that I will be using depending on what mood I want the audience to have during that specific part in the scene. For example if its a serious and tense moment then i will use very quiet and slow song.
Archive: From my research that I have conducted I haven't been able to find any other media resources which I would like to add into my documentary. The resources that I have been trying to find are interviews of people who have been involved in these recent crimes, But so far I have not been able to achieve this goal.
Other notes: Other things which I will have to consider when filming this is making sure that I ask permission of everyone who I am about to film and if there okay with me using it for my documentary. Another thing that I will have to consider is the weather because if I am feeling in a location that is open then the quality might not be as good as I would like it to be, which means that I will have to pick and chose wisely at what day I decide to film at these locations.
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
assignment 31.2/5.2
The reason why I suddenly decided to create a
documentary about crime in the Croydon area is because I saw that in the local
news there had been two stabbings around and close to where I live. The first
being that a 18 and 16 year old had been charged for stabbing a 20 year old on
the 60 bus, the 60 bus is one of my local busses that I use to often go to Coulson
and Croydon, so this article made me realise and think about how close that
would of happened and what could of happened if I had just been on the 60 at
that particular time.
The second incident that I read about was about
was where two teenagers had been stabbed after a fight outside Coulson Waitrose.
Coulson Waitrose is also very close to where I live and I often get food and
drink from there. This also made me think and realise that someone I know could
of been there at the time as I know a lot of people who live around there. This
is what made me what to make a documentary about this and try and stop this
from happening.
The research that I have done for this is
reading and looking online for if there have been any other incidents that have
happened around in this areas and what other types of crime happen in my local
area. Because if there are other types of crime happening other than just
stabbing so that my documentary can focus not just on stabbings, it can focus
on other things like thefts, muggings etc.
One way that I did my research was by creating a
questionnaire and asking people of different ages and genders that live around
the area which I live in if they could complete the questionnaire. The reason
why I decided to get people to do this is because I wanted to find out what
other people thought about the crime that is happening in the area. I used a
selection of different people so that i could see if people of different ages
and genders had a different view about it all. I only asked people who live in
this area to complete it because there going to be the people most affected by
this rather than someone who lives in a completely different area.
The ethical considerations that i will have to
make when creating this documentary is that I don’t offend any one who has
specific ethical beliefs and could get offended by this. If I do potentially
cause offence to someone during my documentary then my documentary could become
taken down if i posted it anywhere online and it could also become in effective
if people don’t listen or understand what i am trying to tell them.
The final ideas that I have about my documentary
is that as I am introducing the documentary I could start off by creating a
time laps of Croydon high street so that the audience have got a visual feature
to look at as well as listening to me open and introduce the documentary.
Other features that I am going to include in my documentary is interviews
from the public and see what there opinion of it all is and how they believe we
could stop this from happening. I will also be telling the audience about
crimes that have happened in these areas and why it is bad and why it should be
Thursday, 12 November 2015
simple creative brief hw
Unit 5 Working to a brief
- Ones that you have to sign much like a contract.
- This is type of brief will normally be used if there is money involved and there could be a lack of trust with one another which is why they will also consider you to have to sign something to prove that you aren't going to stick to the agreement.
- If you should break this contract then you could face legal damage as this type of brief is a very formal and serious and means that the user has to think very seriously about it.
- The brief is set out very clearly and professionally and will be written formally.
- This type of contract is completely up to they employe and then they discuss it with the employer. Almost all briefs are negotiable in some way but this type is all up to employe and employer if he agrees to the terms.
- The client might not interlay know what they want which is why they will discuss and negotiate with the user so that they both have an idea and both agree on the brief.
- This type of brief will outline a product or service for the client.
- A formal contract is normally very formal with the type of language that they use and it is always very professional, which means that the brief wont have any slang terms or any kind of informal language used within .
- It may have the clients logo in it in one of the top corners to show what company or organisation the brief is to do with, they will also do this to show there professionality.
- This type of brief doesn't have to be written and can just be done by talking which shows just how informal it is as there doesn't have to be any physical proof of the agreement to a brief.
- This type of often done when there is only a small amount of money involved where is wont make that greater difference if the user doesn't accomplish and stick to the brief or complete it.
- This will usually be done between a group of friends because usually if you are making a brief with friends then it will be informal rather than formal.
- If this brief isn't negotiated and agreed about by talking then it will either be a very short piece of text or this could be done by e-mail.
- This will only be done if the company and client have met before and have mutual relationship before that have started to negotiate this brief.
- Normally this will be done when the employer already knows who they want to employ or select for something this means that employer will know what they want to do and how they need to do it.
- This type of brief will normally be open to all of the public so anyone can apply for it which means that you dont have to have a specific skill or need for it .
- But because this is a competition brief only the winner will get the reward at the end which means that most people wont win or gain anything from entering the competition.
- All of these things means that it is cheaper for a company to gain new products and employers with a specific skill set as organization will be able to pick out the best ones that they want and then use them for there company.
- This type of brief is simular to the competition brief as a company will pitch there ideas and plans which are to do with the brief and then the company will pick a winner, this makes it much easier and cheaper for organisations to pick a specific product or idea.
- This also means that it is easier for the company to gain more clients for a specific job as all the people wishing to be a part of the company would of already had to pitch and sell there ideas to them.
Co-operative brief
- This type of brief is where two or more companies will work together on the some project or assignment.
- This could be done for different reasons though such as: to make it quicker and easier to do because there is a tight deadline which they wouldn't be able to complete in time just by them self , one company might not have all of the specific resources needed to complete the assignment or task that they have been given.
Reading to a brief
when you are reading a brief a working through a brief the things that you need to pay attention too is:
- The final date- you will need to look at and find out when the final dead line for this is so that you don't miss it and then fail to meet the briefs demands because this could mean that you loose that specific job roll and it means that other clients might not employ you because of this.
- Timescale- you will need to know and work out how long it will take you to compete this brief and task, time management is a big deal as it could be the difference to you passing and completing the brief to you failing it. A good way to control your time managements is to plan and papair a head of what you have to to and allocate specific times and dates to do specific things.
- what is required- you must always make sure that you read the brief properly and know what you have to do, because otherwise you could be wasting you time doing the wrong thing and then when you show the client its wrong and you don't complete it properly. This could cause you to fail to complete the brief and loose the job because of this. It could also require to do something in a specific way in order to complete it.
Negotiating the brief
- When you negotiate a brief with a client you have always got to look at the brief and read the brief so that you are abel to negotiate realistically with the client, for example if you want to move the deadline for it you can probably negotiate to move it by a few days or maybe a couple of weeks, but most likely not a few months extra. Another example is that if you have to film a snow scene during the middle of summer than you will have to negotiate the brief so that you can go to another country which has snow or gain a bigger budget so that you will be able to create your own snow scene in a studio.
- You must insure that you have read the brief properly and thurely through because when you are negotiating you need to know what you already have there otherwise there could be something written in the brief that you dont aprove of and dont want to be there, but because you havent read it properly you dont realise that its there.
- When you are negotiating the brief with a client you need to insure that you have thurely read the brief before and you need to listen to what the client wants you to do about specific things because you need to insure that everything that you negotiate is realistic and you are able to be able to complete the task which will have been set you.
The opportunities that you might be able to gain and experience through your brief could be:
- New skills- While you are completing this brief you might also get to learn and gain some new skills. This might be because the task which you are following and completing is different to what you have done before and causes you to learn some different skills so that you are able to cpmplete it.
- self development- With this you will be able to do and learn more about yourself and what you are capable of. Also because of this it means that you will become much more skillful and what you do and means that you will be able to complete a bigger variaty of different ype of tasks and briefs.
- Multi skilling- you could learn how to combine two skills into one and multi task with your skills. This means that you will also be gaining more skills and more of a variaty of different skills because you will be able to combine more than just one skill set into a task which means that you can complete the task to a much higher standard then you could before when you didnt multi-skilling.
- gain contracts- During the course of you completeing your brief you might be able to meet new people in that industry and gain new contracts through that which could gain you more experience and more jobs and employment which all means that you will have a greater skill set and lots of clients and employers will trust you more because they know that you are able to complete what ever task it is and to a very high standard as well.
- experience- As you are completeing and following the brief you will be able to gain more experience and experience other things that some people might not have experienced yet because it is only specifc to that brief. Since you will be gaining more experience it also means that you will be gaining a greater skill set as well which means that you will be able to complete a greater range of briefs and means that you will be able to complete the brief to a higher standard.
- Travail- During the course with your brief you might be able to travail a lot and visit new places which are specifci to that brief.You might also be able to gain this by negotiating with your client because it might be easier or better for you to be able to complete the brief to a higher standard if you go to a different location.
- Communication skills- While you are completeing and following the brief it means that you will meet new people or might have to go out there and find specific people that could help you complete your brief to the best possible standard. This all means that you will gain a greater communication skill set and means that your communication skills will have to be good in order for you to complete the brief and task properly and thurely.
- portfolio/CV- When you have completed a brief or task which you have been set then it means that you will be able to put it into your portfolio and your CV, with the more briefs and tasks that you complete it means that your CV and portfolio will be getting bigger and bigger which is a good thing. This is all good for you because when you want to apply for a job or apply to a brief then it means that clients and employers will be able to see all of your work which you have created and this also means that you will be more likely to get the job or brief if all of the work you have completed has been to a high standard.
- Meet clients or important people in the industry- While you are completing briefs and tasks it means that you will be meeting new people who are in the same industry as you and means that you will gain more contacts and improve your communication skills. But because you will be meeting more people in the same industry it means that you might meet people who are very high up and important and if you get in there good books then it could potentially mean that you could get more experience because of them or even a job and be set to complete or tasks and briefs that have been set by him.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Purpose and impact of social action and community media prodcution
The purpose why a social action and community media production might be created is because there could be a specific social issue that is happening at that moment in time. People might need to become more aware about this in order for this social issue to either decrease in the amount of activity that happens, or to completely stop this social action from happening. An example of what a social action and community media production might be about is:
- Crime
- The amount of people that are homeless
- Politics
- Green peace
- Racism
- Addictions
The way that this impacts people is by showing the negative affects of all of these things and what harm could be caused from these things. They would also show examples of these things and how it has affected those people that they have used as an example there to show what could happen to you if it is about something that you do. The reason why they will do this is so that it makes a bigger affect on you and makes you think about what you need to do if you don't want this to happen, and then make a change to a community that is affected by this. For example recent social action documentaries about smoking have shocked a vast amount of people physically and mentally about what doing this could cause if you continuously do it or do it in a regular bases. But as technology increases and new things are being created, more of the audience are aware of software such as photoshop which is able to create very realistic effects which could be used in these documentaries. Even tho this could make a social action documentary fail in why it was created, they normally become most effective after people have watched them and seen and realised what could happen from it.
Example 1
An example of a social action and community media production that I have annotated is 'The Truth about Sugar'. This documentary is very effective as it tells and informs people about how much sugar they are eating without them even noticing how much sugar they are actually eating. It also shows how bad it is to be eating a lot of sugar and what could happen if you continued to eat a vast amount of sugar. It is also a effective social action documentary because it uses some persuasive factors such as using actual people as examples of how much sugar people might eat, and the way that they did this is by picking some volunteers and looking at what they normally eat and then showing them how much sugar they are really eating rather than how much they think that they are. This is a very good persuasive way to make people stop eating to much sugar or realizing how much sugar they are actually eating because you personally could be eating the same amount of sugar that they are or it might help you work out yourself how much sugar you are actually eating personally.
I think that this documentary is very effective and interesting because it made me think about how much sugar i was actually eating and what products do have a lot of sugar in them without me even realizing that there was a lot of sugar in them. I found this really interesting because I learnt a lot about sugar and eating sugary foods. It surprised me how much sugar there was in most foods. It also showed me that I had no idea about how much sugar I should and shouldn't have. It also showed me how much sugar there really is in food, and with foods that I didn't even relise had sugar in and how sugar there is in them.
Example 2
Another example that I have is called 'CDC Tips form Former Smokers Terries AD (tips for stop smoking)' . The reason why I have chosen this as another one of my example is because i feel as though it has a big impact on how people will feel and think about smoking because in this short social action and media production you can see what the out come is of smoking on a regular bases. Another reason why I chose it is because this is showing what her morning routine is and what she has to struggle and put up with every morning in order to get ready for her day. It also demonstrates what the impact of smoking is as you can physically see and hear the changes that have happened to her. Even after watching the first 5 seconds of it could stop any one from smoking. It also makes you realise and think about if you really what to end up doing like her and having to be put through the same things as she has been put up with for the rest of her life. All of these things are what makes a social action and media production good because it achieves what it was meant to do, which is persuade people to stop smoking and stop beginning to smoke. Even though this is only a 30 seconds social action and communication media it is still able to achieve all of this.
Saturday, 19 September 2015
kony 2012
The Kony 2012 documentary makes me realise how one unknown person could affect a country so much yet the rest of the world didn't even know what his name was or that he even existed. Yet he has done all of these bad things to these children and forced them against there will to do things that would wouldn't ever want to do like join his army and then make them kill there own parents, he would also cut off some of there facial features (ears, nose, lips) if they didn't want to join him in his army.
This documentary has been done to try and make it personal because he shows part of his sons life and shows off his personality and his some being born and all the kinds of things that wouldn't normally be shown in a documentary about a charity. but they have done this to put you his and his son shoes and make you feel how they must feel about this because for them all of this has happened personally to them and they way that the dad met Jacob.
This also shows how more people are getting to know about this charity and watch it grow just from him going to schools and telling people about it, as well as just doing something simple like creating a Facebook page about it so that more people on social network sites can share and read more about it rather than going onto the specific charity website about it.
In this documentary he shows and tells hes son about all of this to show what his sons reaction of all of this is and also so that in the future when his son is older he could also help his dad stop kony and help out with the charity in telling more people about it in order to arrest kony and stop him at what hes doing to these children and making them join his army and doing all of these evil things to them and forcing them to do things that they don't and would never want to do.
The truth about sugar
The reason why this campaign has been made is to show everyone how much sugar they might be eating without even knowing about it. It also tell them how much sugar they should be having compared to how much they might actually be having. This campaign also shows you how you can reduce the amount of sugar that you eat and how to find out what products have a very high amount of sugar or more sugar that you would expect from a product or food.
This documentary is very effective as it tells and informs people about how much sugar they are eating without them even noticing how much sugar they are actually eating. It also shows how bad it is to be eating a lot of sugar and what could happen if you continued to eat a vast amount of sugar. It is also a effective social action documentary because it uses some persuasive factors such as using actual people as examples of how much sugar people might eat, and the way that they did this is by picking some volunteers and looking at what they normally eat and then showing them how much sugar they are really eating rather than how much they think that they are. This is a very good persuasive way to make people stop eating to much sugar or realizing how much sugar they are actually eating because you personally could be eating the same amount of sugar that they are or it might help you work out yourself how much sugar you are actually eating personally.
I think that this documentary is very effective and interesting because it made me think about how much sugar i was actually eating and what products do have a lot of sugar in them without me even realizing that there was a lot of sugar in them. I found this really interesting because I learnt a lot about sugar and eating sugary foods. It surprised me how much sugar there was in most foods.
Friday, 18 September 2015
The purpose of socal action an community media- Friday 18th septembere 2015
What is the purpose
- to bring about local, national and global change.
- to change attitudes
- to raie awareness
- to create access to media production for non-traditional groups
- to challenge dominant representations and age
- to create or strengthen community ties
- to provide information
- to campaign ( work in an organised and active way towards a goal)
- to change voting behaviour
- to infiltrate mainstream media
- to build relationships with subjects
question1- homelessness
which of the list of purposes apply?
there is a lot of the purposes that apply to this video specifically such as: changing attitudes, to bring local/national/global change, to provide information,
What is this media trying to make us do?
look and help homeless people in a different way to how we normally would.
what emotional techniques have they used?
used examples
video 2- food for thought
which of the list of purposes apply?
Out of the list of purposes that are listed there the most obvious one is to change attitudes
what is this media trying to make us do?
to think differently about one another and about food and how we use and treat it
what emotional techniques have they used?
used this shop as an example of whats its like to own a food shop or selling food.
it also teaches us about sharing and not being greedy about things not just food.
It also used a solo piano which made it seem a lot more sad.
Video 3- the controller
Which of the list of purposes apply?
change awareness and change awareness
what is this media trying to make us do?
that you are the controller of your life and you can control what ever you want to do with it.
What emotional techniques have they used?
then have made it personal my making it personal to one person
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