Saturday, 19 September 2015

kony 2012

The Kony 2012 documentary makes me realise how one unknown person could affect a country so much yet the rest of the world didn't even know what his name was or that he even existed. Yet he has done all of these bad things to these children and forced them against there will to do things that would wouldn't ever want to do like join his army and then make them kill there own parents, he would also cut off some of there facial features (ears, nose, lips) if they didn't want to join him in his army.

This documentary has been done to try and make it personal because he shows part of his sons life and shows off his personality and his some being born and all the kinds of things that wouldn't normally be shown in a documentary about a charity. but they have done this to put you his and his son shoes and make you feel how they must feel about this because for them all of this has happened personally to them and they way that the dad met Jacob.

This also shows how more people are getting to know about this charity and watch it grow just from him going to schools and telling people about it, as well as just doing something simple like creating a Facebook page about it so that more people on social network sites can share and read more about it rather than going onto the specific charity website about it.

In this documentary he shows and tells hes son about all of this to show what his sons reaction of all of this is and also so that in the future when his son is older he could also help his dad stop kony and help out with the charity in telling more people about it in order to arrest kony and stop him at what hes doing to these children and making them join his army and doing all of these evil things to them and forcing them to do things that they don't and would never want to do.

The truth about sugar

The reason why this campaign has been made is to show everyone how much sugar they might be eating without even knowing about it. It also tell them how much sugar they should be having compared to how much they might actually be having. This campaign also shows you how you can reduce the amount of sugar that you eat and how to find out what products have a very high amount of sugar or more sugar that you would expect from a product or food.

This documentary is very effective as it tells and informs people about how much sugar they are eating without them even noticing how much sugar they are actually eating. It also shows how bad it is to be eating a lot of sugar and what could happen if you continued to eat a vast amount of sugar.  It is also a effective social action documentary because it uses some persuasive factors such as using actual people as examples of how much sugar people might eat, and the way that they did this is by picking some volunteers and looking at what they normally eat and then showing them how much sugar they are really eating rather than how much they think that they are. This is a very good persuasive way to make people stop eating to much sugar or realizing how much sugar they are actually eating because you personally could be eating the same amount of sugar that they are or it might help you work out yourself how much sugar you are actually eating personally.

I think that this documentary is very effective and interesting because it made me think about how much sugar i was actually eating and what products do have a lot of sugar in them without me even realizing that there was a lot of sugar in them. I found this really interesting because I learnt a lot about sugar and eating sugary foods. It surprised me how much sugar there was in most foods.

Friday, 18 September 2015

The purpose of socal action an community media- Friday 18th septembere 2015

What is the purpose

  • to bring about local, national and global change.
  • to change attitudes
  • to raie awareness
  • to create access to media production for non-traditional groups
  • to challenge dominant representations and age
  • to create or strengthen community ties
  • to provide information
  • to campaign ( work in an organised and active way towards a goal)
  • to change voting behaviour
  • to infiltrate mainstream media
  • to build relationships with subjects
question1- homelessness 

which of the list of purposes apply?
there is a lot of the purposes that apply to this video specifically such as: changing attitudes, to bring local/national/global change, to provide information, 

What is this media trying to make us do?
look and help homeless people in a different way to how we normally would.

what emotional techniques have they used? 
used examples 

video 2- food for thought

which of the list of purposes apply? 
Out of the list of purposes that are listed there the most obvious one is to change attitudes

what is this media trying to make us do?
to think differently about one another and about food and how we use and treat it 

what emotional techniques have they used?
used this shop as an example of whats its like to own a food shop or selling food.
it also teaches us about sharing and not being greedy about things not just food.
It also used a solo piano which made it seem a lot more sad.

Video 3- the controller

Which of the list of purposes apply?
change awareness and change awareness 

what is this media trying to make us do? 
that you are the controller of your life and you can control what ever you want to do with it. 

What emotional techniques have they used? 
then have made it personal my making it personal to one person